WHS band performing in the Parade of Lights.
about 3 years ago, Mrs. Melissa Pinter
WHS is having a Food Fight from December 6 - 10th. Which graduating class is the best and going to win the prize?!?? #WeWillSee #CollectingGoodsForTheLegion
about 3 years ago, WHSTheOrchard
food items
food fight
about 3 years ago, Mrs. Julie Balgeman
about 3 years ago, Mr. Mike Waters
Come see the Pride of Tigers Marching Band tonight in the Downtown Danville Parade of Lights. The parade steps off at 6 p.m.
about 3 years ago, Mrs. Melissa Pinter
about 3 years ago, Mrs. Tracy Jordan
Listening to Christmas music
#westvilleholidayfun Bingo for me!!!
about 3 years ago, Mrs. Tracy Jordan
The Jazz Band was hard at work early this morning preparing for the Holiday Concert. HS band and chorus Sunday at 4, JH and Giacoma Sunday at 2. Both concerts at WHS new gym.
about 3 years ago, Mrs. Melissa Pinter
So good to be back and as always, it's a great day to be a tiger!
about 3 years ago, Mrs. Melissa Pinter
Such a great time for our 2 WHS high school students that made Illinois district 3 honors chorus. What an honor!!! We took a picture with our friend from Georgetown. These pictures are from Saturday’s performance.
about 3 years ago, Ms. Ellen Howie
WHS student participating in ILMEA senior horrors choir. She is in the middle.
WHS student in ILMEA district chorus second from left
ILMEA district senior honors choir.
Come see this wonderful cast give their final performance of Nunsense II the musical today at 2:30 pm at the Old Westville HS gym.
over 3 years ago, Ms. Ellen Howie
cast of Nunsense II
Chemistry students using balloon models to represent electron orbitals.
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Kaylee Leigh
pic 3
pic 2
pic 1
Come see the Musical Comedy Nunsense II this weekend. We would love your support!
over 3 years ago, Ms. Ellen Howie
working hard to get ready for the show
working hard to get ready for the show
Nunsense II
Attention: Westville High School Girls Basketball Players and Parents, there will be a Mandatory Meeting concerning the upcoming season on Oct 28 (Thurs; Tomorrow) at 6 PM. The meeting will be held in the high school Media Center.
over 3 years ago, Mr. Joe Brazas
So excited that this is something we can do once again!
over 3 years ago, Ms. Ellen Howie
Jr High and High School Band and Chorus Concert
SENIOR NIGHT Come out and cheer on your Senior Soccer Players Westville/GRF vs Iroquois West Tuesday, October 5th @ 4:30
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Michelle Schaumburg
Congratulations to Katelyn Callahan on completing her first Regionals tournament today at Lincolnshire Fields CC in Champaign today. She competed all day through the heat and difficulties of the course. The course looked great but played tough and offered and intense challenge. This was a great experience for her and future looks bright for the Tigers golf program! With this, the Tigers golf season is complete. Can’t wait till next year!!
over 3 years ago, Dustin Simpson
Katelyn Callahan
Tee first hole
Great job to Ty Williamson and Garyson McBride for competing in the IHSA Boy’s Regionals at Turtle Run. It was not the results we were looking for but they competed from first shot to last shot. They battled the heat all day and some slow play but gained a ton of experience that will help them going into next year. They represented WHS well and showed what’s in store for the future! Time for some rest then back to some work for next year!!
over 3 years ago, Dustin Simpson
Ty and Garyson
Great job to the WHS Tigers Golf team in the VVC Tournament today. They fought through colder temperatures and high winds all round than what they’ve had all year. They fought the entire round and was able to complete their best rounds of the year! The Tigers were led by Ty Williamson who barely missed out on All-Conference honors by 1 stroke. The Tigers will have a quick turnaround as they will play at Hoopeston tomorrow at Hubbard Trail. Congrats on a well fought round today!! Go Tigers!
over 3 years ago, Dustin Simpson
VVC Players
Mr Brazas' Astronony Class-Every14 years Saturn's rings seem to disappear!This was an embarrassment to Galileo as he observed the rings with his telescope, made notes and months later he tried to share his observation with another scientist but they weren't there! Why is this?
over 3 years ago, Mr. Joe Brazas
Saturn's Orbit - 29 years: During rotation, 14 years is visible for 14 years and 14 years the rings are not visible