Cloudy skies can't keep us down! #BandCamp #Marching Tigers
over 6 years ago, Mrs. Melissa Pinter
Band Camp 2018
Drumline and Drum Majors are getting a head start. Band Camp starts next week!
over 6 years ago, Mrs. Melissa Pinter
Drumline practice
All Blue Ribbons. Great job Ladies!!! #UDADanceCamp2018
over 6 years ago, WHSTheOrchard
Congrats Jasman Severado on getting All American!! #UDADanceCamp2018 #WeAreProudOfYou
over 6 years ago, WHSTheOrchard
all American
Dance Team Lifts
over 6 years ago, WHSTheOrchard
team lifts
Team Sit-ups. #UDADanceCamp2018
over 6 years ago, WHSTheOrchard
UDA Dance Camp
over 6 years ago, WHSTheOrchard
drill down
WHS Band Camp starts in two weeks. The drum majors are ready, are you? #MarchingTigers
over 6 years ago, Mrs. Melissa Pinter
drum major camp 2018
Drum Major Abby is at camp learning to spin the mace. Look for some new tricks on the field this fall!! #MarchingTigers
over 6 years ago, Mrs. Melissa Pinter
Dance Team getting ready for the 2018-2019 season. #DrillDowns #UDACampHereWeCome
over 6 years ago, WHSTheOrchard
Dance Team
Drumline practice starts on July 24th. The equipment is ready, are you? #MarchingTigers
over 6 years ago, Mrs. Melissa Pinter
new bass drums
Supporting the Cheerleaders!! #ElTorroFundriaser
over 6 years ago, WHSTheOrchard
Support our Cheerleaders!!
Mrs Brown’s Life Skills class having a bubble break! Sometimes you just need some bubble fun.
over 6 years ago, Ms. Brock
Entrepreneurship presentations today in Computer Application classes.
over 6 years ago, WHSTheOrchard
Summer Basketball Camp 2018 Registration Forms! Both Boys and Girls heading into grades 3-9 are welcome to join!
almost 7 years ago, Mr. Andrew Arteaga
Scholastic Bowl Outing #CrackerBarrel #DowntownUrbana #EscapeRoom
almost 7 years ago, WHSTheOrchard
Students taste testing and presenting their findings about brand vs generic foods/drinks activity.
almost 7 years ago, WHSTheOrchard
Mrs. Spires-Japanese Mythology Storybook Project with iPads
almost 7 years ago, Mrs. Julie Balgeman
Mrs. Spires-Japanese Mythology Storybook Project with iPads
Mrs. Spires-Japanese Mythology Storybook Project
Mrs. Spires-Japanese Mythology Storybook Project with iPads
Softball Senior Night #AdiosSeniors
almost 7 years ago, WHSTheOrchard
WHS Honors Day
almost 7 years ago, Mrs. Michelle Schaumburg