This morning 67 Westville Grade school, junior high,and high musicians competed in solo and ensemble contest at Westville High School. Congratulations to all who participated. Fantastic job!!
11 months ago, Ms. Ellen Howie
Yo Yo Ma
Solo and Ensemble Contest is underway at WHS this morning!
11 months ago, Mrs. Melissa Pinter
The WHS Pep Band had a great time playing at DACC last night!
11 months ago, Mrs. Melissa Pinter
Fun times at the DACC basketball game last night. The Wildcat Chorus performed the National Anthem and the WHS Pep Band entertained us!
11 months ago, Ms. Ellen Howie
WJHS chorus
WHS Pep Band
WJHS Choir
WJHS Choir
Concert Announcement:
12 months ago, Mrs. Melissa Pinter
Music Booster Meeting tonight 5:30-6. Pastry Puffin Orders are due today or tomorrow. Drop them off at the High School music room (door #6) from 6-8 pm.
12 months ago, Ms. Ellen Howie
pastry Puffins
Westville High School Post Prom Breakfast TODAY 8-11 WHS Cafeteria. Come enjoy a wonderful breakfast and support a great group of kids! All proceeds will go to WHS Post Prom.
12 months ago, Mrs. Michelle Schaumburg
Band students practicing after school for Solo & Ensemble contest. #MusicMatters #SiblingTrio
12 months ago, Mrs. Melissa Pinter
The excitement keeps building. Only days left before WHS takes the field
12 months ago, Mr. Jay Katavich
Attention Westville High School baseball players and parents: On Feb 25 (Sunday) at 5:00 pm, we will have a short meeting concerning the upcoming baseball season. The meeting will be held in the media center.
12 months ago, Mr. Joe Brazas
TEN days to go
12 months ago, Mr. Jay Katavich
12 more days until 🥎
12 months ago, Mr. Jay Katavich
Winding down to 13 days before opening day
12 months ago, Mr. Jay Katavich
Attention all WHS softball players. On Sunday February 18 there will be a players/parents information meeting at WHS in Mr. Brazas classroom at 5:00pm. Please enter through the teachers entrance.
12 months ago, Mr. Jay Katavich
Congratulations to Gabe Kiddoo for advancing out of the wrestling sectional and on to state. Fantastic work!
12 months ago, Mrs. Jeni Young
Gabe Kiddoo
Congratulations to the WHS fresh/soph basketball team for winning the Chrisman tournament. The boys went 3-0 to bring home the championship. Great job boys.
12 months ago, Mrs. Jeni Young
Fresh/Soph Tourney Champs
Counting the days until we slide into 🥎season
12 months ago, Mr. Jay Katavich
The 🥎 season is almost here. Excitement fills the air.
12 months ago, Mr. Jay Katavich
Countdown going fast with just days left until the season is upon us.
about 1 year ago, Mr. Jay Katavich
WHS Softball players and parents, here is another option for softball apparel. Just select the link and the link is also on gamechanger.
about 1 year ago, Mr. Jay Katavich