2017-2018 WJHS yearbooks are for sale for $15! Cash, Check, or Online Orders accepted. Order forms have been passed out. They are also available in the office or see Mrs. Bialeschki or Ms. Gill.
about 7 years ago, Mrs. Kylynn Bialeschki
Yearbook Order Form
Westville School District will be closed Monday January 8.
about 7 years ago, Dr. Seth Miller
7th grade science at different stations in an around the room determining which symbiotic relationship in nature is described
about 7 years ago, Mrs. Carrie Coffing
WJHS will have an information table set up at the school from 4:30-7 p.m. on Friday, January 5th with a representative from Illinois Gear Up
about 7 years ago, Mr. Jared Ellison
WJHS Staff Christmas Sweater Winners! Voted by the students -- 1st Mrs. Bialeschki 2nd Mr. Witsman 3rd Mr. Hackler
about 7 years ago, Mr. Jared Ellison
Time for some Christmas Carol Quizlet Live in 7th Grade History! Happy Holidays to all!
about 7 years ago, Mr. BJ Witsman
Looking for something to invest your money into? Students created and coded for apps solving a wide variety of problems.Then their ideas and apps were pitched to future investors.#code#futuremployees
about 7 years ago, Mr. Cal Hackler
Ms. Gill’s English class had the opportunity to go read to Ms. Barney’s 1st grade class yesterday!
about 7 years ago, Ms. Kaitlyn Gill
Students learning how to play Farkle in Mrs. Anderson’s 4C.
about 7 years ago, Mrs. Joy Anderson
“Life is a play. It’s not the length, but its performance that counts.” -Seneca 7th Graders performed History Plays in class today.
about 7 years ago, Mr. BJ Witsman
Just popped in the WJHS teachers lounge and saw this- what a great way to reinforce a positive culture with faculty and staff #WJHS #family
about 7 years ago, Dr. Seth Miller
WJHS 8th grade night! Great dance routine by 8th grade cheerleaders and basketball players! #WeAreWJHS
about 7 years ago, Mr. Jared Ellison
7th graders had some fun playing kahoot to get ready for our upcoming test!
about 7 years ago, Mrs. Joy Anderson
Items brought in today by WJHS students -- 8th grade now at 147 items, 7th grade at 62 items and a current total of 209 items! #WeAreWJHS
about 7 years ago, Mr. Jared Ellison
With so many flags associated with the Revolutionary War, 7th graders are taking a little time to explore them further. Students chose a flag from the war to draw, color, and write about.
about 7 years ago, Mr. BJ Witsman
Rev Flags
Rev Flags
Rev Flags
Rev Flags
7th grade STEM students spent some time engineering a way to land a cup upright and keeping a ball inside from height (land emergency packs)
about 7 years ago, Mrs. Carrie Coffing
One week left to get AR pointe in. 7th graders check teacherease under 2nd Quarter AR points to see how many points you have!
about 7 years ago, Mrs. Joy Anderson
WJHS Food Drive for the Westville American Legion - Spirited contest between 7th & 8th grade. 7th leads by 12 but only 36 collected to date!
about 7 years ago, Mr. Jared Ellison
WJHS band students dressed up for spirit day today. #GoBand
about 7 years ago, Mrs. Melissa Pinter
Chief Booe talking safety with our faculty and staff at WJHS!
about 7 years ago, Mr. Jared Ellison